Education is changing, are you ready?

Virtual Tutoring Services: Virtual 1-on-1 & Group Learning
Virtual Tutoring Services: Virtual 1-on-1 & Group Learning
a close up of a blue sign with a white arrow
a close up of a blue sign with a white arrow

Virtual Reading Tutor: Bridging the Gap with Personalized Online Tutoring

State Certified Teachers & Experts Tutor:


Real-time Virtual Learning Brings the Classroom to You!

  • Having reading difficulties?

  • Feeling invisible in the classroom?

Virtual 1-on-1 LearningVirtual 1-on-1 Learning
Focused sessions make you the center of attention. It's all about you and we are here to meet you where you are in your learning and empower you to succeed.

Virtual Group LearningVirtual Group Learning

Join a small group of students who are as hungry to learn to read... You can bring a small group of students.

Virtual one-on-one

Virtual Group

Mind Advent is here to help.

girl in white tank top using black tablet computer
girl in white tank top using black tablet computer
Bundle Sessions & Save
  • Reading Success in Less

than 3 months.

We provide a variety of services including:
Suspension Alternatives
Special needs
Resource Room
Private teacher
Home school

A free screening Assessment that identifies your learner's unique skill gaps

✔ Analyze assessment and share results (free)

✔ Plan Customized lessons that train those skill gaps

✔ Implement our systematic, scientifically-proven approach strategies

✔ Successfully close the reading gaps in less than 3 months.

Quality, not quantity

The Mind Advent teacher will assess each student to identify areas of learner weakness in real-time and create personalized instruction accordingly.

"Providing this level of instant feedback is a hallmark of best practices in synchronous tutoring.”

—Johns Hopkins University School of Education
Center for Research and Reform in Education

Partner with us

  • Reading Success in Less

than 3 months.

Ask about other subjects.

State Certified Teachers & Experts Tutor: